For more than 20 years, ReposiTrak has been solving supply chain collaboration challenges that involve tracking products from manufacturer and grower, through warehouses and distribution centers, all the way to the retail store.

We are the traceability people. 

We're here to help suppliers, wholesaler and retailers to get clean, accurate traceability data flowing.

Please fill out the form below and a member of our team will contact you. 

We look forward to talking with you about traceability! 

Section 204(d) of the Food Safety Modernization Act (or FSMA 204) is part of the FDA’s broader New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, a forward-focused initiative whose primary pillar is “tech-enabled traceability.”

The regulation defines a set of Key Data Elements (KDEs) that food supply chain operators must capture for each Critical Tracking Event (CTE) in a product’s journey from its point of origin to the end consumer. These KDE records are to be created, collected and stored in a format that can be retrieved and sent to the FDA within 24 hours when requested. Previously, the regulation only required data only from one-up and one-back events.

As a product changes hands or changes form, its string of KDE records grows and must be transferred between trading partners, to create full, end-to-end traceability. ReposiTrak estimates that retailers alone will be responsible for thousands – if not millions – of traceability records per year.

For more than 20 years, ReposiTrak has been solving supply chain collaboration challenges that involve tracking products from manufacturer and grower, through warehouses and distribution centers, all the way to the retail store.

Food traceability is a part of our widely deployed and proven supply chain and compliance platform.

Through the thought leadership of leading industry organizations and retailers, we’ve created the ReposiTrak Traceability Network, a solution that is:

  • Easy to implement
  • Meets and exceeds the FDA’s FSMA 204 guidelines
  • The lowest cost with little impact to consumer pricing

Why join the ReposiTrak Traceability Network?

The FDA has sent a strong signal that the Food Traceability List will only grow, encouraging “voluntary adoption of these practices industry wide.” Food supply chain operators will soon be responsible for creating, storing, retrieving and sending millions of pieces of data – each day.

Implementing full-scale traceability now is not only easy; it’s also an opportunity that forward-thinking businesses can’t ignore. With the data you already capture and with little to no additional work, you can:

  • Gain unmatched visibility into a safer food supply chain
  • Tighten control on food waste
  • Implement a food recall response that saves lives and money…

All while fully complying with FSMA 204.

The ReposiTrak Traceability Network is backed by the industry, as was most recently selected by the National Grocers Association’s as its exclusive traceability solution.

Our industry partners:


“Food safety is of paramount importance to independent grocers and their supplier partners. NGA’s partnership with ReposiTrak enhances value for our members by sharing best practices in an area that’s crucial to safeguarding the hard-earned trust that retailers and manufacturers have with consumers.”

NGA logo

Greg Ferrara

President & CEO - NGA

“At QCS, our goal is to bring best-in-class solutions to our members to help them be more successful. ReposiTrak solutions help our members save time and money, reduce risk and grow their business: and the service is outstanding. It’s a great partnership.”

Ray Collins

QCS Purchasing, LLC


 Which Foods are More Impacted by Traceability?

Riskiest Fresh Foods on the Food Traceability List Every item on the Food Traceability List is there for a reason. The FDA created the FTL using a sophisticated risk-ranking model. Every category—and the many that will eventually be added—represents …

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Is It Already Too Late to Take on Traceability?

That’s a question not enough leaders in grocery retail are asking. The FDA’s landmark food traceability act will be finalized in November 2022, with a 2-year window to prepare. Is that enough time for you to modify the workflow and systems at your di…

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